
Thursday, April 17, 2008

Bulk surplus Wholesale Liquidation pallets of electronics from Circuit City

Surplus pallets of electronics from circuit city was a good investment for me. Last fifteen days i sold twelve pallets of liquidation inventory from circuit city. These pallets of surplus electronics were full of name brand closeout consumer electronics. The variety of consumer electronics was good. Car audio,mp3 players, mp4 players,home audio, G.P.S. systems,cell phones, 2 pallets of L.C.D. T.V.'s and 1 pallet of digital cameras. The consumer electronics were closeout or discontinued. Evan though discontinued people still like the discounted price I was able to offer them. I sold the surplus consumer electronics to four different retailers. I paid $23,000 for the truckload of surplus electronics. The total sales for all twelve pallets of electronics was $41,000. I nearly doubled my investment in half a month.

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